Friday, February 28, 2014


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Portraits of year: Malala Yousafzai, schoolgirl, educational activist
portraits of year: Nigel Kennedy for Portrait of the Artist.

Sergio Gonzalez Espinoza
I chose this portrait of myself because it shows how my life is mostly focused on studying, but I still find the time to relax (video games).

Friday, January 31, 2014

My World



1. Name and your URL address for your class blog.
2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate? 
     -Industrial Engeneering, 2yrs.
3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically? 
    -Had to take an Arts class, how to work as an IE, see the world differently.
4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months. 
    -Start a family
    -Find a good job
    -Pass all my classes
5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work? 
6. Where do you get information about current national and international events? 
7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? 
8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year? 
9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past? 
10. What is the value of art for the artist? 
      -It's his/her view of the world
11. What is the value of art for the audience? 
     -What they feel when they see the work
12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation? 
13. What is your passion? 
     -Biomedical Engeneering
14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable? 
     -Knowing time can't be taken back
15. Do you have a passport? What traveling have you done or would like to do?
      -Yes, visit most of Noth America
16. Why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to learn from it?
     -I had to take an Arts class, how to see the world differently